
Showing posts from May, 2018


Dear Dr. Kyburz, I just want to thank you for a fantastic year both first semester and second semester. This class has made me thoroughly enjoy writing so much more than I ever have. You have introduced many different new techniques of finding research, summarizing articles and documentaries, using narrative glue, and especially rhetorically analyzing. With using the concept of writing early and revising often helped me earn the grade I desired. I look forward to using the skills that I have developed the past two semesters for my future classes and later in life. Thank you Dr. Kyburz for everything!! This is my presentation video that depicts how progress has affected me throughout the year. I posted this with my e-Portfolio because I was not sure if I would get the opportunity to present this to my classmates.  This image signifies process . Throughout the last two semesters I feel like I have made lots of progess with the projects I created. The project's goa...