

Dear Dr. Kyburz, I just want to thank you for a fantastic year both first semester and second semester. This class has made me thoroughly enjoy writing so much more than I ever have. You have introduced many different new techniques of finding research, summarizing articles and documentaries, using narrative glue, and especially rhetorically analyzing. With using the concept of writing early and revising often helped me earn the grade I desired. I look forward to using the skills that I have developed the past two semesters for my future classes and later in life. Thank you Dr. Kyburz for everything!! This is my presentation video that depicts how progress has affected me throughout the year. I posted this with my e-Portfolio because I was not sure if I would get the opportunity to present this to my classmates.  This image signifies process . Throughout the last two semesters I feel like I have made lots of progess with the projects I created. The project's goa...


Siblings are so important in life for many reasons. They provide support, company, love, and most importantly, criticism. I could not imagine being an only child because I feel that I would be lonely without my little brother. He is so much like me and follows the path that I go down. Moving away from home and to college gave me this new perspective on how important they can be. My roommate this semester was an only child and he was not used to living with other people. He apparently complained to my other friends about how terrible I was sometimes. I've lived in the same room as my little brother for almost my entire life and I kept myself cleaner than ever this semester. This is why I believe that living with siblings from youth to young adulthood can develop those skills that can allow you to stand to live with someone. This is why I will always be thankful to God for my brother and we will have a special bond forever. 

Three years left

Is this it? This year has absolutely flown past. The amount of experiences that I have experienced this year is enormous. It is extremely hard to believe that I will be able to go through this extraordinary year three more times. Until me, my friends are dumped out into the real world. It can be vey scary. At least when I deeply think about how soon graduation will be coming. However, I have learned so much this year. It feels like that I have learned more things this year, than my whole career in high school. Of course I began studying something I am so passionate about which is the main reason, but there's something unique that I love about college that points my excitement for what's next to come.

What is happening to high school Prom?

Okay, so I decided to write about a high school prom as a college student because I am going to one more prom with my girfriend, Emma, who is a senior. Last year prom was great. We went to two proms, which cost a forture, but they were both a lot of fun. However, during my school's prom my senior year in high school, the dance the music choice was very upbeat and roudy most of the time. This what definately okay since it was basically a party, but what about the slow dances? I thought prom was dedicated to taking your buddies or special someone to a dance to have a great night. Even though I enjoyed the modern music of today and dancing to it like a weirdo, I wanted to dance to a few slow songs because I thought that was what prom was all about. At my prom, only two slow songs were played throughout the entire evening. At Emma's prom there was a whopping total of one slow one. This was very surprising to me and it kinda disappointed me a bit. Is high school prom changing or has...

Review of on-campus living

This past year at Lewis, I decided to live on-campus. Many people thought I was foolish for this reason mainly because I currently live only 25 minutes away. I was able to afford it and the curiosity of experiencing college for real made me want to live on-campus for my freshman year. Overall, it was one hundred percent worth it. I made many friends that I hope to be friends with for life, slept at least 3 times a week, learned to take care of myself, did whatever the heck I wanted to do. Living on campus may seem not completely worth it for people who are looking for the college experience of partying all the time. However, if you are that person, which I am not, it is what you make of it. I was looking for the college experience of being under my own room. Coming home right from class and laying in bed or doing homework, feeding myself etc. There are many opportunities and skills you build living on campus and I feel that the pros definately outweighed the cons. I'm exhilirated f...

First solo flight

Recently, I had my first solo flight in the airplane. It was very nerve wracking when my instructor stepped foot out of the airplane, endorsed me to solo, and hearing his final words to me before he closed the door. "Don't die". These were the words that absolutely NO mother would want to hear, especially mine. So I started the airplane up and taxiied to the runway as carefully as I could because I was so nervous for this moment. I went through my last checklist and was airborne in no time. Flying alone for the first time surprsingly was not much different than having an instructor in the cockpit next to you. I was feeling a lot better once I successfully completed my first out three landings soon after. This experience was surreal. Having an airplane under my complete control is something so cool that is just something special to remember forever.

Athletes getting paid...what do you guys think??

So in college writing 2 for this final project, I am writing about student-athletes and if they should receieve additional compensation ontop or instead of their scholarships they already obtain from the school every academic semester. The main reason being behind choosing such a controversial topic is because I believe it is one that I have no bias towards, and quite frankly, I do not have a stance at all. As I have researched for articles and summarized a number of them, the decision of what side to take is still very hard for me.If you're reading this, how do you feel about this idea of a student-athlete getting paid a salary just like the professional athletes? Did you know that these student-athletes generate over billions of dollars for the school in tickets in sales and do not receieve any of that profit? That is basically exploitation in some people's eyes. However, why should student-athletes get paid more money on top of their tuition? Receiving scholarship money is e...