Athletes getting paid...what do you guys think??

So in college writing 2 for this final project, I am writing about student-athletes and if they should receieve additional compensation ontop or instead of their scholarships they already obtain from the school every academic semester. The main reason being behind choosing such a controversial topic is because I believe it is one that I have no bias towards, and quite frankly, I do not have a stance at all. As I have researched for articles and summarized a number of them, the decision of what side to take is still very hard for me.If you're reading this, how do you feel about this idea of a student-athlete getting paid a salary just like the professional athletes? Did you know that these student-athletes generate over billions of dollars for the school in tickets in sales and do not receieve any of that profit? That is basically exploitation in some people's eyes. However, why should student-athletes get paid more money on top of their tuition? Receiving scholarship money is enough and if a student was going to go to the professional leagues in their repectice sports, they would be making millions anyways!!! The factor of athletes in larger schools compared to the smaller schools across the country also draws attention due to the fact that it can be unequal and unfair compensation in general. Anways, there are still many factors on both sides involving if student-athletes should get paid a regular salary compensation as collegiate student athletes which is why I choose this get to the bottom of it and develop an opinion for myself.


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