Review of on-campus living
This past year at Lewis, I decided to live on-campus. Many people thought I was foolish for this reason mainly because I currently live only 25 minutes away. I was able to afford it and the curiosity of experiencing college for real made me want to live on-campus for my freshman year. Overall, it was one hundred percent worth it. I made many friends that I hope to be friends with for life, slept at least 3 times a week, learned to take care of myself, did whatever the heck I wanted to do. Living on campus may seem not completely worth it for people who are looking for the college experience of partying all the time. However, if you are that person, which I am not, it is what you make of it. I was looking for the college experience of being under my own room. Coming home right from class and laying in bed or doing homework, feeding myself etc. There are many opportunities and skills you build living on campus and I feel that the pros definately outweighed the cons. I'm exhilirated f...